Call Us: +91 9925867908

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Terms of ownership of the company:
This website is owned and operated by the Company. You agree to abide by this cancellation policy, as well as any other current or future terms and privacy policies, if you use this website or any of its services. Please do not use the website or any of its services if you do not agree with these terms and conditions.

The company has decided to cancel:
The following scenarios may result in the cancellation of your service request by the company:

If the business thinks that the documents you’ve submitted are false, contradictory, incorrect, or incomplete.
If the appropriate authority for approval determines that the provided documents cannot be authorized for any reason,
You acknowledge that you will not be entitled to any reimbursements, claims, or refunds in the event that your application is canceled in any of these circumstances. The company will stop using the services you provided.

Retraction Solicitations:
In the event that you want to drop your report verification demand, if it’s not too much trouble, contact your Relationship Leader and email us at as quickly as time permits. As long as the attestation process has not begun, we will make every effort to accommodate your request. However, please keep in mind that once the process has begun, it may not be possible to cancel, and fees may be required.

Refund Procedure:|
Qualification for Discounts:
Discounts might be accessible when we can’t offer our Types of assistance because of reasons inside our control, which forestall the culmination of the report verification process.

Services that aren’t refundable:
Please be aware that some services may not be refundable, such as the following:

Administrations that have been completely or to some degree delivered before the scratch-off demand.
fees incurred by authorities for third-party authentication or legalization.
Charges related with record planning, authentication, or some other regulatory administrations.

Method of Refund:

Getting in touch with Support:
To start a discount or examine undoing, kindly contact your Relationship Leader by means of email. Include the details of your document attestation request and the reason for your request for a refund in the pertinent order information.

Evaluation of a Refund:
We will evaluate your request for a refund in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions once we receive it. This may entail contacting you for additional information if necessary, verifying any errors or omissions, or reviewing the progress of the attestation process.

Discount Issuance:
In the event that your discount demand is endorsed, we will handle the discount inside 7 working days. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the refund will be processed using the original payment method within 10 days..


For more Inquiry,

Please call 9925867908


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